Intelligent Automation Services 

Let us bring the power of Artificial intelligence to enable smarter and more efficient business processes for your organization.


Looking to Automate Core Business Processes?

At SPD Technology, we have been designing innovative products and delivering development services to our customers for over 18 years. With our stellar reputation as an intelligent automation services provider, we would be glad to become your trusted partner in your digital transformation journey, helping with automating the basic processes and fully exploring the potential of AI technology to enable intelligent decision-making and adaptability. 

Automating core business processes by leveraging AI innovation already brings significant benefits to our clients:

  • Cost Reduction: we helped our customer in B2B intelligence services to cut operational costs fivefold thanks to automating their data collection and processing.
  • Enhancing User Experience: like we did for the diligence fund distribution platform, providing our AI/ML expertise to introduce a highly efficient matching process for users of the product, as well as smart search functionality.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency and Productivity: we streamlined processes for a B2C web solution by leveraging ChatGPT API and image recognition models, to accurately categorize products, clean up irrelevant data, and improve search functionality.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: our ML-powered tool for automating invoice parsing for a Packaging Manufacturer reduced processing time and the number of errors compared to manual work, enabling the client’s employees to focus on more sophisticated tasks.

John Gabbert: Founder and CEO PitchBook Data

John Gabbert

Founder and CEO PitchBook Data

Customers are king at PitchBook and SPD Technology shares in this mission. For the last 13 years, SPD Technology has helped us scale product development and continuously deliver the product functionality our clients need to make smarter decisions.

Transforming Your Business with Intelligent Automation Services

As a vetted AI solutions provider, we have the experience and know-how to develop solutions tailored to cater to the needs of our clients, enhancing the decision-making process, providing real-time data insights and boosting workflow efficiency.

  1. Intelligent Automation Strategy & Consulting

    We work in close cohesion with our clients to develop a customized automation strategy aligned with their core business goals and objectives to fit each particular case. Our experts assess the current state of the business of our client, identify automation opportunities, use low-code solutions when necessary, and define a roadmap for implementation, considering factors such as technology readiness, organizational culture, and change management.

  2. Intelligent Automation Solutions Development

    Our company designs, develops, and deploys custom automation solutions tailored to the needs and challenges of each client. The developers in our teams always pursue excellence and peak productivity by leveraging a combination of cutting-edge technologies, programming languages, and development frameworks to build modern solutions that automate business processes, streamline workflows, and elevate operational efficiency.

  3. Intelligent Automation Managed Services

    We take care of monitoring, troubleshooting, remediation, and optimization of automation solutions with our intelligent automation managed services. Our teams monitor automation processes, explore possible bottlenecks, troubleshoot issues, and provide maintenance to prevent disruptions and downtime. Activities include software updates, security patches, performance tuning, and compliance monitoring to keep solutions aligned with evolving needs and requirements.

Success Stories
with Global Impact

SPD Technology designs and develops transformative software solutions that drive innovation, new revenue streams, and market leadership.

  • 100% Automated Phone Call Solution for the Back-Office: The creation of a custom web application allowed the client to dramatically improve the speed of background checks, saving costs and freeing up hands for human employees.
  • Public Release of the Web Application: After the successful release of the app for internal client usage, proving its tangible advantages, we are ready to turn the product into SaaS and make it available to the mass market.
View Case Study

Developing a Modern ML Solution for a Packaging Manufacturer

  • briefcase Industry: Manufacturing
  • globe-earth Country: the USA
  • users-group Team Size: 2
  • Complete Automation of Invoice Processing: delivered an ML-powered tool through API that predicts the master service code of an item in an invoice by its textual description.
  • Additional Time Savings and Reduction of Human Error: automating invoice parsing reduces processing time and the number of errors compared to manual work, improving overall business efficiency and compliance with regulations.
View Case Study

AI-Powered Ticketing System Transformation in Transportation Construction

  • briefcase Industry: Manufacturing
  • globe-earth Country: the USA
  • users-group Team Size: 9
  • Delivered AI Expertise for Construction Industry: We bolstered the transportation construction system by integrating AI-powered functionalities such as image processing, report generation, data classification, traffic analysis, and chatbots.
  • Utilized Multiple AI Models: The project involved leveraging a diverse range of AI models, which were effectively employed through the use of client data and targeted prompts. This approach ensured the delivery of accurate AI-generated responses.
View Case Study
  • Freeing-up Hands of 20 Employees: implemented the solution that allowed the company to time- and cost-efficiently perform a mission-critical task. With the mechanism implemented, the data analysis tasks can be performed by 2 people instead of 20, allowing the company’s employees to focus on more strategic tasks.
  • 10x Data Storage Cost Reduction and Days-to-Hours Manual Data Processing Time Optimization: optimized data storage architecture and reduced the time necessary for manual data analysis from 2-3 days to 2-3 hours.
View Case Study

Our Clients are Happy

To share their experiences

Fabrice Forget: Chief Product Officer, PitchBook

Fabrice Forget

Chief Product Officer, PitchBook

We feel very lucky to have found SPD Technology as our partner. Over the last 10 years, they have totally surpassed our expectations, and day after day we have received incredible value from the team. Here is the secret sauce, just put together your best ideas in your requirements and there is nothing they can’t do!

Shariq Ahmad: Head of Technology, Morningstar, Inc

Shariq Ahmad

Head of Technology, Morningstar, Inc

All of their developers and technology staff are highly talented and very professional. Working with SPD felt like we were working with internal team. They are always accessible any time of the day and very flexible in providing support to our users who are globally distreibuted.

Steve Carner: Founder CEO, Home Hub

Steve Carner

Founder CEO, Home Hub

The team at SPD Technology exceeds expectations. Their professional communication style makes them stand out, They’re a skilled group of detailed-oriented workers. Customers can expect a team that provides helpful suggestions to better their clients.

Yelena Tretyakova: Product Owner, G-Accon

Yelena Tretyakova

Product Owner, G-Accon

Internal stakeholders are impressed with both the resources SPD Group provided as well as the engagement with the company as a whole. The developers were experienced and knowledgeable, and they integrated well with the internal team. They were communicative and dedicated to project success.

Prasad Sridhar: Senior Engineering Manager E-comerce Solutions Company

Prasad Sridhar

Senior Engineering Manager E-comerce Solutions Company

SPD Technology’s work has been praised by the client for their consistency and high quality. Their communicative, responsive, and flexible project management ensures a positive collaboration. Ultimately, their professionalism and forward-thinking are impressive.

Speed up your operations and enhance overall productivity by automating repetitive tasks.

Core Business Processes Automation with Accuracy and Precision

We will help you simplify complex processes with cutting-edge automation technology solutions that drive innovation and business agility.

  1. Customer Onboarding and KYC

    Our practical experience in working with leading companies in financial transaction processing, retail, and eCommerce industries enables us to create tailored intelligent automation solutions. Being well-equipped with the latest AI expertise, we employed it for the Aggregated Merchant Portal (AMP) development project for BlackHawk Network, a platform serving more than 8000 merchants in the US. We determined that AI can help with a simple registration flow to collect the necessary information for creating an account and doing OFAC, EIN/SSN, and other legal entity ID checks, pass the auto-approve mechanism, as well as create and process data on Salesforce.

  2. Claims Processing and Adjudication

    Our intelligent automation expertise provides insurance companies with solid knowledge and experience-supported insight into claim processing lifecycle optimization. The services we deliver cover a wide range of areas, from claim intake and validation to adjudication and payment processing, as we automate core processes and mission-critical functionality with advanced AI algorithms. One of our clients fully benefited from this when we developed a workers’ compensation insurance solution, improving the insurance platform that is now able to support the growing business needs. Additionally, the client’s success team can now save up to 40% of their time on investigating reasons for payment failures.

  3. Contract Management and Document Automation

    Automation services significantly improve contract management processes for our clients by automating contract creation, negotiation, approval, and renewal workflows, leading organizations to even more effective digital transformation. By automating contract management, we enable businesses to minimize contract lifecycle bottlenecks, mitigate risks, and ensure compliance with contractual obligations. One of our clients, a Mexico-city-based B2BLegaltech provider, introduced AI/ML functionality to accurately extract key information from legal documents, such as participants, expiration dates, contract durations, entity relations, document subtype, and renewal options. This required a high degree of precision and automation from our team to streamline their document management processes.

  4. Payment Processing and Reconciliation

    Our intelligent automation services help businesses in eCommerce, Online Retail, and Finance to automate payment processing tasks such as invoice processing, payment authorization, and reconciliation of transactions, as well as many others. With the power of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, algorithms can match invoices with purchase orders and receipts, identify discrepancies, and flag exceptions for successful review and resolution of issues. By automating the processing and reconciliation of payments, our clients have shown that there are massive benefits to receive, including accelerated cash flow, reduced processing costs, and significantly improved accuracy in financial transactions.

  5. Fraud Detection and Prevention

    We make sure that intelligent automation services enable businesses to reach the highest level of fraud detection, prevention, and protection possible. As our projects have shown, Artificial Intelligence offers solutions to identify patterns, anomalies, and suspicious activities in sensitive processes, indicative of fraudulent behavior, triggering alerts for further investigation by human employees. We have hands-on experience in developing Fraud Detection capabilities for Poynt, one of our major clients, expanding the functionality of its Omnicommerce platform for over 5 years. Our teams successfully implement a wide range of features, including behavioral analytics, transaction monitoring, multi-layered authentication,  device fingerprinting, and geolocation verification to deal with possible fraud issues effectively.

  6. Customer Support and Chatbots

    Our company delivers software for customer support operations and powers it by deploying AI-powered chatbots to handle common inquiries, assist human operators, and resolve issues. Chatbots engage with customers in natural language conversations, retrieve information from knowledge bases, and escalate complex queries to human employees when necessary. However, they can be used for more sophisticated purposes, as in one of our projects we delivered an AI/ML recruitment background check assistant. The automated phone calls solution we created for the back office to process the results, speeds up the background check process significantly for our client.

  7. Inventory Management and Supply Chain

    We have the capabilities to help large enterprises optimize inventory management and supply chain processes by leveraging Artificial Intelligence algorithms to forecast demand, optimize inventory levels, streamline critical logistics operations, and more. Our team can integrate AI-driven analytics into your ecosystem to analyze historical data, market trends, and external factors to generate accurate demand forecasts and optimize inventory replenishment strategies to prevent any disruptions in business processes. Ultimately, this will help your organization to minimize stockouts, reduce excess inventory, and improve overall supply chain efficiency and responsiveness by effectively automating inventory management and supply chain processes.

  8. Legal Research and Due Diligence

    Finally, as our practical experience shows, legal research and due diligence processes can be significantly improved by automating common tasks such as document review, case analysis, and precedent research. With our experience in AI, ML and Big Data, you will be able to leverage the most advanced tools for analyzing vast amounts of legal documents, case law, and regulatory statutes to extract relevant information, identify patterns, and generate insights. By effectively automating legal research and due diligence, we can help organizations expedite the discovery process, reduce manual effort, and improve the accuracy and comprehensiveness of legal analysis.

Trusted Globally by Innovation-Driving Companies 

From Fintech industry stalwarts to industry-leading eCommerce providers, we ensure the comprehensive alignment between emerging technologies and established business processes. 

  1. An American financial services firm that provides investment research and investment management services
  2. Financial data and software company with offices in London, New York, San Francisco, and Seattle.
  3. An A Swiss multinational, the world’s largest biotech company that operates worldwide
  4. All-in-one omni commerce payment solution with contactless, fast, secure, and safe payment processing
  5. One of the most recognizable landmarks, a company that specializes in innovative travel and hospitality services
  6. SaaS XSPN – Next Generation Application & Cloud Security Posture Management
  7. A leading tech-enabled insurance company that provides workers’ comp coverage to small businesses

Why Choose SPD Technology as an Intelligent Automation Project Vendor

Rely on our proven track record of successfully implementing intelligent automation projects, demonstrating deep industry expertise and the desire to cater each solution to the individual needs of our clients.

  1. Expertise in Advanced AI Technologies

    Our 700+ team of experts includes Data Scientists and AI Engineers who have been delivering AI solutions at the forefront of recent global adoption. A great example of our diverse AI proficiency is when we leveraged ML and OpenAI for automated data collection and processing in B2B intelligence services. Thanks to the automation of data collection and processing, the client was able to achieve 5x cost reduction.

  2. Industry-Specific Experience

    Our company has a proven track record of catering to different industries helping eCommerce businesses, restaurants, financial institutions, legal services providers, manufacturing vendors, insurance companies, healthcare providers, as well as organizations in other verticals with their automation journey. We have an abundance of industry-specific experience and are ready to learn the nuances and intricacies of a new industry to deliver the best intelligent process automation solution possible.

  3. End-to-End Intelligent Automation Service Offering

    We offer a comprehensive suite of intelligent automation services covering the entire lifecycle, from strategy and consulting to implementation and support. Our experts have experience in diverse areas such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Cognitive Automation, Intelligent Document Processing (IDP), and Process Orchestration. We know how to combine and balance these technologies, securing faster integration and synergy between different automation technologies to maximize the value of digital transformation for businesses.

  4. Focus on Scalability and Future-Proofing

    Our company always prioritizes the further expansion of our intelligent process automation solutions, designing them to adapt and scale following evolving business needs. In our projects, we leverage modular architectures, flexible deployment options, and scalable infrastructure to accommodate growth and changes in demands. Our solutions always incorporate emerging technologies, security standards, and best practices to ensure long-term viability and resilience.

Intelligent Automation Solutions We Deliver

From customer experience improvement to AI-assisted business decision-making, we deliver intelligent automation solutions for your business process transformation.

  1. Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) Solutions

    Our experience with AI and Machine Learning algorithms allows us to deliver solutions for extracting, classifying, and interpreting information from unstructured documents and also automating invoice processing, contract management, claims processing, and compliance documentation. We delivered IDP functionality as a part of developing a B2B Legaltech solution for a LATAM startup, introducing advanced document search features. Our team used Named Entity Recognition (NER), Optical Character Recognition (OCR), text classification, text embeddings, transformers, and GPT to provide time savings for the company.

  2. Cognitive Virtual Assistants

    The AI-powered conversational interfaces we build perform tasks like answering questions, providing information, scheduling appointments, and can be integrated across multiple channels including websites, mobile apps, messaging platforms, and voice-enabled devices. One of our examples includes a functionality we created for HaulHub’s AI-powered ticketing system transformation project. Our experts developed chatbots for conversations between clients and the data layer using AI.

  3. Dynamic Workflow Orchestration Software

    With this type of custom software, we enable organizations to automate and optimize complex business processes by orchestrating the flow of tasks, data, and resources, ensuring peak agility and responsiveness. We integrate this software with existing systems, applications, and databases to streamline end-to-end processes across departments and functions. By providing visibility, control, and automation capabilities, our dynamic workflow orchestration software enhances collaboration, accelerates decision-making, and drives operational excellence.

  4. Intelligent Automation Solutions with Generative AI

    Our experience with Generative AI involves using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and other advanced AI techniques to create, modify, and enhance digital content autonomously. We leveraged ChatGPT for product suggestions as a part of a B2C web solution for an online retail store. With AI/ML capabilities, we accomplished the monumental task of incorporating over 1,000,000 products from the major global retailer’s website into the client’s inventory. Utilizing advanced algorithms, we efficiently scraped 300,000 products in a mere 3 hours.

Being a Leading Software Product Development Company 

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Secure your business agility with intelligent automation and AI/ML solutions. 

Innovative Expertise and Solid Knowledge of Intelligent Automation Technologies

Our intelligent automation solutions are strategically designed and implemented with your far-reaching business goals in mind.

  • icon
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

    In addition to intelligent automation solutions, our experts are proficient in predictive analytics, computer vision, and natural language processing, delivering outstanding solutions with deep domain-specific experience in Fintech, Manufacturing, eCommerce, Construction, Healthcare, Retail, Agriculture, and Logistics. We are early adopters of AI and are willing to take on new challenges and expand the growing list of industries of our projects. 

  • icon
    Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

    Our RPA software development solutions can interact with multiple systems, applications, and databases to execute tasks such as data entry, file manipulation, and report generation to streamline workflows and reduce errors. For our Western European clients from the finance and investment industry, we 100% automated core business processes achieving 20x faster response generation speed and 10x performance improvement.

  • icon
    Natural Language Processing (NLP)

    We fully leveraged our expertise in NLP when we developed a modern ML solution for a packaging manufacturer, reducing the time needed for the aggregation of information from weeks to hours. The automation includes operating with 450 vendors and sorting information all over the client’s database into more than 30 classes, which previously took a massive amount of manual effort.

  • icon
    Cognitive Automation

    We use cognitive automation in our projects in different industries for functions like document processing, fraud detection, anomaly detection, risk assessment, and personalized recommendation solutions. As a part of our experience in cognitive automation development, we created a conversational AI call automation system for a recruitment company allowing for speeding up the candidate’s background screening significantly. 

  • icon
    Business Process Modelling

    Our experts can help you with analyzing, designing, and optimizing business processes to improve efficiency and agility. Process modeling tools we use enable workflow visualization, identification of bottlenecks, and simulation of process changes before implementation. In our projects, business process models serve as a blueprint for automation initiatives, guiding the development and deployment of automation solutions.

  • icon
    Process Orchestration and Integration

    Our experts know how to coordinate and manage the execution of automated processes across disparate systems, applications, and technologies. Integration capabilities enable effective communication and data exchange between different components of our client’s products. Process orchestration and integration activities we conducted streamlined end-to-end workflows, facilitated data flow, and ensured interoperability between systems.

  • icon
    Analytics and Insights

    With advanced analytics techniques like data mining, predictive modeling, and prescriptive analytics, we enable organizations to derive actionable insights from automation data. As an example, we designed an advanced Business Intelligence dashboard for an embedded insurance API provider that allowed users to make faster, informed decisions through insurance products A/B testing.

Innovative Expertise and Solid Knowledge of Intelligent Automation Technologies

Our intelligent automation solutions are strategically designed and implemented with your far-reaching business goals in mind.

  • icon
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

    In addition to intelligent automation solutions, our experts are proficient in predictive analytics, computer vision, and natural language processing, delivering outstanding solutions with deep domain-specific experience in Fintech, Manufacturing, eCommerce, Construction, Healthcare, Retail, Agriculture, and Logistics. We are early adopters of AI and are willing to take on new challenges and expand the growing list of industries of our projects. 

  • icon
    Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

    Our RPA software development solutions can interact with multiple systems, applications, and databases to execute tasks such as data entry, file manipulation, and report generation to streamline workflows and reduce errors. For our Western European clients from the finance and investment industry, we 100% automated core business processes achieving 20x faster response generation speed and 10x performance improvement.

  • icon
    Natural Language Processing (NLP)

    We fully leveraged our expertise in NLP when we developed a modern ML solution for a packaging manufacturer, reducing the time needed for the aggregation of information from weeks to hours. The automation includes operating with 450 vendors and sorting information all over the client’s database into more than 30 classes, which previously took a massive amount of manual effort.

  • icon
    Cognitive Automation

    We use cognitive automation in our projects in different industries for functions like document processing, fraud detection, anomaly detection, risk assessment, and personalized recommendation solutions. As a part of our experience in cognitive automation development, we created a conversational AI call automation system for a recruitment company allowing for speeding up the candidate’s background screening significantly. 

  • icon
    Business Process Modelling

    Our experts can help you with analyzing, designing, and optimizing business processes to improve efficiency and agility. Process modeling tools we use enable workflow visualization, identification of bottlenecks, and simulation of process changes before implementation. In our projects, business process models serve as a blueprint for automation initiatives, guiding the development and deployment of automation solutions.

  • icon
    Process Orchestration and Integration

    Our experts know how to coordinate and manage the execution of automated processes across disparate systems, applications, and technologies. Integration capabilities enable effective communication and data exchange between different components of our client’s products. Process orchestration and integration activities we conducted streamlined end-to-end workflows, facilitated data flow, and ensured interoperability between systems.

  • icon
    Analytics and Insights

    With advanced analytics techniques like data mining, predictive modeling, and prescriptive analytics, we enable organizations to derive actionable insights from automation data. As an example, we designed an advanced Business Intelligence dashboard for an embedded insurance API provider that allowed users to make faster, informed decisions through insurance products A/B testing.

Alex Samano: Co-Founder & CEO, Life Dreams INC.

Alex Samano

Co-Founder & CEO, Life Dreams INC.

SPD Technology has done a great job of maintaining the lifeblood of their codes. They’re transparent with pricing models and deliver within budget. Their dedicated teams act as an extension of the partner’s company. Responsibility and a commitment long-term partnership are two hallmarks of their work.

Our Comprehensive Approach to Business Processes Automation 

We deliver seamless integration of intelligent automation solutions across all systems and platforms of your organization, eliminating manual workloads and maximizing cost-efficiency. 

  1. Initial Consultation and Assessment

    We start with the initial meeting with a client, discussing business objectives, pain points, and automation goals. After that, we conduct a comprehensive assessment of the client’s current processes, systems, and workflows to identify potential areas for automation. Our team always involves stakeholders from both sides to define project scope, timelines, and success criteria.

  2. Process Analysis and Mapping

    Our team conducts a detailed analysis of the identified processes to understand their intricacies, dependencies, and possible variations. Process mapping involves documenting the current state of processes using tools like flowcharts, diagrams, and process models. At this stage, we collaborate closely with a client to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and opportunities for improvement within the processes.

  3. Automation Strategy and Design

    Based on the findings from the analysis phase, we develop an automation strategy tailored to the client’s specific needs and objectives. This stage involves designing the future state processes and incorporating automation technologies and best practices to optimize efficiency and effectiveness. The automation strategy outlines the selection of appropriate automation tools, platforms, and technologies to achieve the desired outcomes.

  4. Development and Implementation

    Once the automation strategy is finalized, we proceed with the development and implementation of the intelligent process automation solution. Development includes configuring or building software tools, apps, bots, scripts, or algorithms to automate the identified processes. Implementation involves integrating the automation solution with existing systems, databases, and applications within the client’s infrastructure.

  5. Testing and Validation

    Before deployment, the automation solution undergoes rigorous testing to ensure functionality, reliability, and performance. Typically, our testing activities encompass unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and User Acceptance Testing (UAT). Validation involves comparing the results of automated processes with manual operations to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the newly introduced solutions.

  6. Deployment and Integration

    Upon successful testing and validation, the automation solution is deployed into the production environment. Deployment typically covers gradual rollout or phased implementation to minimize disruption to ongoing operations. Integration ensures seamless interaction between the automated processes and other systems or applications within the client’s ecosystem.

  7. Adoption and Monitoring

    After deployment, the focus shifts to user adoption and change management to ensure the effective utilization of the automation solution. We usually introduce training programs and knowledge transfer sessions to empower users with the necessary skills and knowledge. Continuous monitoring and performance tracking are essential here to identify any issues, optimize processes, and measure the impact of automation on business outcomes.

Yelena Tretyakova: Product Owner, G-Accon

Yelena Tretyakova

Product Owner, G-Accon

Internal stakeholders are impressed with both the resources SPD Group provided as well as the engagement with the company as a whole. The developers were experienced and knowledgeable, and they integrated well with the internal team. They were communicative and dedicated to project success.

About SPD Technology

SPD Technology is an international software product development company with over 18 years of experience, aiming at empowering our clients with strategic advantages and value-driving opportunities that emerging technologies unlock. We specialize in engineering, implementing and supporting high-end software solutions tailored to meet diverse needs and resolve complex challenges of rapidly growing companies operating in dynamic business environments. 

At SPD Technology, we lead with innovation in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, and cybersecurity, strategically transforming their technological potential into tangible business opportunities. During our long-lasting partnerships with our customers, we developed an extensive understanding of different business domains specifics, with a particular emphasis on the financial, legal, insurance and eCommerce technology industries. 

With our commitment to ensuring operational excellence, sustainable growth and recurring revenue streams, we deliver bespoke solutions that align seamlessly with the core business processes of our clients. Recognized globally for our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction, we have successfully delivered over 100 projects for industry leaders such as Roche, PitchBook, Poynt, BlackHawkNetwork, and Space Needle, setting new benchmarks in software product development.

John Gabbert: Founder and CEO PitchBook Data

John Gabbert

Founder and CEO PitchBook Data

Customers are king at PitchBook and SPD Technology shares in this mission. For the last 13 years, SPD Technology has helped us scale product development and continuously deliver the product functionality our clients need to make smarter decisions.


By Independent Organizations


Confirmed by Oracle certification, our company provides top-notch tech expertise in building and delivering cutting-edge database and cloud-based apps.

International Institute of Business Analysis

IIBA Certification signifies our proficiency in business analysis, ensuring a deep understanding of client needs and industry requirements.rn

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Amazon Web Services

With AWS Certification, we guarantee top-tier cloud expertise, enabling us to architect robust, scalable, and secure solutions.

Project Management Institute

Trusting your project development to us, you can rely on our project management excellence, meticulous planning, and efficient resource utilization. rn

Scrum Alliance
Scrum Alliance

Our Scrum Alliance Certification demonstrates our dedication to agile methodologies, fostering collaboration and iterative development.rn

Scrum logo
Scrum Org

Backed by Certification, our development team leverages the best principles of Scrum to build superior and iterative software solutions.

Shariq Ahmad: Head of Technology, Morningstar, Inc

Shariq Ahmad

Head of Technology, Morningstar, Inc

All of their developers and technology staff are highly talented and very professional. Working with SPD felt like we were working with internal team. They are always accessible any time of the day and very flexible in providing support to our users who are globally distreibuted.

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    Over 600 Full-Time Experts

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    Secure by Design

    ISO/IEC 27001/27002:2005 standards-compliant, PCI DSS 3.2 compliant data storages, per-project isolated infrastructure

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